Tuesday 21 June 2016

Japan has been 9th in the list of the Most peaceful places in the world, thought it has dropped from 5th position; the highest amongst all the Asian countries [I think so >.<] . But, ever wondered what makes Japan that peaceful to live in? Well, i don't know myself exactly but I've attempted to get to the root of it, i hope it may satisfy the the query!

->Living In Japan

Out of many Asian countries, Japan seems to be the most peaceful place to live in. Well, It doesn't seem like you'll get an independent villa to live in as the place id so crowded the people are forced to make the graves of their loved ones in their own houses! [ No place for even cemeteries, if Tokyo is taken into consideration, and that's why Japan ain't on No.1]. You are sure to get a cute flat not much away from the the chaos of the city.

You might be wondering if Tokyo is so congested to live in, then why I'm and the authorities considering it peaceful?
Well, here you go:-

In The Hustle & Bustle Of Tokyo

While in Tokyo, where almost every person is a salary-man, has to leave for the office at 9 sharp, and this results in over crowded trains. 

But still, there are almost negligible cases thefts in the train. Though eve-teasing has been at the top of the list of train crimes. 
Every person, from senior citizen to high school students prefer to travel by train [or Shinkansen, to be more precise] hence the over crowding of trains. Getting the train on time, plus getting a seat is the only trouble.

Now for the food, escaping into the streets and markets of Tokyo, there isn't less crowd either! Eating on common food stalls and restaurants is common for  an ordinary salary-man with no particular family plus  lots and lots of tourists throughout the year are some reasons for the crowded streets.

Tokyo is also the most "heavy on your pocket" city to live in. So I conclude that Realistically, Tokyo Isn't That Peaceful As It Seems. 

The Nature & Culture

For all those who think that Japan is only the place for business travels, well, mate, you are wrong! The country has amazing treasures of  Mother Nature. Considering the most photographed and painted mountain in the world; Mt. Fuji, Sakura [Cherry Blossoms] and the beautiful Hydrangeas that grow in the rainy season; all make Japan naturally beautiful.

Now considering the culture:  

Unlike many South Asian counties, Japan isn't much diverse. The Shinto, The Buddhist, The Christian, all of them live with peace and harmony amongst themselves as they have been living from many  years. The traditions like Zen meditation and Tea ceremony [chado\chanoyou] have been promoting peace and calmness of mind.

Crime Rates And Criminal Laws In Japan

Source:- WiKi

Total crimes per 100022.39 Ranked 36th.
Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents0.6 Ranked 158th.
Violent crime > Intentional homicide rate0.35 Ranked 44th.
Violent crime > Murder rate506 Ranked 45th.

In 1990 the police identified over 2.2 million Penal Code violations. Two types of violations — larceny (65.1 percent of total violation) and negligent homicide or injury as a result of accidents (26.2%) — accounted for over 90 percent of criminal offenses. In 1989 Japan experienced 1.3 robberies and 1.1 murders per 100,000 population. Japanese authorities also solve 75.9% of robbery cases and 95.9% of homicide cases.
In recent years, the number of crimes in Japan has decreased. In 2002, the number of crimes recorded was 2,853,739. This number halved by 2012 with 1,382,154 crimes being recorded. In 2013, the overall crime rate in Japan fell for the 11th straight year and the number of murders and attempted murders also fell to a postwar low.

Legal deterrents

Ownership of handguns is forbidden to the public, hunting rifles and ceremonial swords are registered with the police, and the manufacture and sale of firearms are regulated. The production and sale of live and blank ammunition are also controlled, as are the transportation and importation of all weapons. Crimes are seldom committed with firearms, yet knives remain a problem that the government is looking into, especially after the Akihabara massacre.[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akihabara_massacre ]


Of particular concern to the police are crimes associated with modernization. Increased wealth and technological sophistication has brought new white collar crimes, such as computer and credit card fraud, larceny involving coin dispensers, and insurance fraud. Incidence of drug abuse is minuscule, compared with other industrialized nations and limited mainly to stimulants. Japanese law enforcement authorities endeavor to control this problem by extensive coordination with international investigative organizations and stringent punishment of Japanese and foreign offenders. Traffic accidents and fatalities consume substantial law enforcement resources. There is also evidence of foreign criminals travelling from overseas to take advantage of Japan's lax security. In his autobiography Undesirables, British criminal Colin Blaney stated that English thieves have targeted the nation due to the low crime rate and because Japanese people are unprepared for crime. Pakistani, Russian, Sri Lankan and Burmese car theft gangs have also been known to target the nation.


Thanks For Reading! 
I hope it was helpful!